Category: Linux

  • Moving a LAMP site

    I’ve done this in the past, but thought this time I’ve got to take notes. It can be used as a crude check list in the future. Don’t underestimate the power of a practical, down-to-earth check list! Perhaps documents like this should be kept in a wiki page, for easy updating to avoid being stale,…

  • Search objects in SQL Server databases with pyodbc

    Command line utility to search for objects based on names. Search results will be displayed in well formatted tabular format, left-justified. 1. pyodbc installed; 2. Use trusted authentication by default. Find the relevant code to adjust to login/password as needed; 3. -w for wild card search. Default is exact name match, case insensitive in almost…

  • Packages needed for building MySQL/MariaDb/Percona

    From a stock/standard/typical/desktop install of Linux, it seems these are required in order to build MySQL/MariaDb/Percona forks: gcc gcc-c++ automake libtool bison ncurses (Thanks Justin!) Do apt-get, yum, rpm, emerge, or whatever to get them before doing configure, make and such. I am missing one, and I think it has “curse” or something like that…

  • SSH without typing password using public key

    I’ve done transferring public key (or and and appending that to authorized_keys (or authorized_keys2) file on remote host many times in the past, but the last time I did that was a bit over 2 months ago. Today I wanted to write a Python script for blog database backup and copying to…

  • Using Linux Mint as my main operating system

    Man, a functional, reliable, day-to-day use Linux desktop distro, I’ve been chasing that unicorn for a while. I think I might have caught one yesterday. Time will tell, but so far it looks promising. Here is a list of distros I’ve tried: Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit and 32-bit. I am sure I’ve tried versions prior to…