Setting up replication with XtraBackup
I attended Vadim Tkachenko’s talk on XtraBackup during MySQL conference in Santa Clara last week. Backups are obviously very important, but the use case I had in mind is this: Replicating a database that has Innodb tables in it, while keeping both master and slave on line if possible. Tangent: by the way, I love…
Install MySQLdb module for Python
Update: Commenter MarkR made a great point: if possible, use some packaging tools, to try to maintain proper dependencies, to the extent that is possible. Install from the source should be Plan B. So, try yum install MySQL-python first. This is mostly for my own future reference. It’ll be icing on the cake if it…
SELinux and “failed to map segment from shared object” error
I am reading and following examples in MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development. After compiling and moving a .so file (think DLL or Assembly file in Windows) into MySQL plugin directory, I got this message when I tried to create a UDF (User Defined Function): [sourcecode language=”text”] mysql> create function udf_staticexample returns integer soname ‘udf_staticexample.so’; ERROR 1126…
Data generation with TPC-H’s dbgen for load testing
2011-06-26 update: I am not sure if there are any changes in the latest make and gcc packages. Anyway, I noticed when run make, I encountered the message below: make: g: Command not found make: [qgen] Error 127 (ignored) To fix this, find where gcc is at, then created a symbolic link g that points…
Parse sqlio log file with Python pyparsing
A few weeks ago I posted some questions on 3 Python text processing modules: pyparsing, SimpleParse, and NLTK. Today I need to analyze a log file generated by sqlio. I decided to use pyparsing. I am pretty pleased with it. I am aware that there are at least 2 utility scripts for this: one is…