Category: Other

  • Some 2008 summer pictures

    My son Party after the parents/children T-ball game. Parents team lost. Showing off my athletic prowess during the parents/children and coaches game, my first-ever baseball game. My son made it to the first base, where I was at. My son’s beautiful birthday cake, baked by Mom! My son’s birthday party with friends. Bunny Watching a […]

  • Time management

    I’ve been self-employed for more than one year now, and feel that there are a few things I need to adjust. Part of the motivation of self-employment is to spend more time with the family, but that didn’t happen in the last year. In fact, I actually spent less time with my son than before […]

  • Wasteful lifestyle and our environment

    Begin rant Riffing off on the recent reports of merchants starting charging for plastic bags in China and gas price increase all over the world: These days, 9 out of 10 times, I tell the cashier that I don’t need a bag while shopping here in the US. Plastic and paper bags are free here […]

  • 真世界

    个体和群体。强势与弱势。信息与宣传。陈述与污蔑。造谣与辩解。东西媒体。谁有确定议题权,发言权,和话语权。利润与良知。道理的简单和事情的复杂。自负,自卑,与自信。激情与莽撞。要脚踏实地的做实事,但又不想、不能只做一台简单的、没有头脑的机器。要民主、要自由但知道这不会一蹴而就。想发泄,也需要发泄,但又不能伤害到其他个人和群体。想平心静气地观察与聆听,但有很多的混淆是非的烟雾。想沟通,想交流,但大多交流的载体因是和母语有不小差异的英语而受限。 真得是很多、很有兴趣的问题。怨天尤人,夜郎自大,冷嘲热讽,坐井观天,忍让退缩,窝里斗,压制异己,蛊惑民众,闭关锁国,崇洋媚外等都试过不少次、不少年了,都不管用。 最近才开始听伍佰的歌,很喜欢。《真世界》的大部分歌词很不错,把我喜欢的摘录如下: 空气中是否突然会有一种无形的压力包住你 黑暗它是否经常安静的令人窒息无法呼吸 时间的意义对于过去的过去是否堆积在脑海里无法清晰 单纯的笑容还有邪恶的面孔是否变成没有距离 休息的时候才猛然的发现梦想根本不在这里 天亮的时候觉得脑筋太过于清醒而垂头丧气 选择的意义对于目的的目的是否交缠在一起无法分离 善良的念头还有无能的正义没有办法去解决问题 睡吧我的宝贝 睡吧别掉眼泪 你要做好准备 养足精神去面对这些 欢迎你来到真世界也有爱当然也有虚伪 欢迎你来到真世界要付出当然也要防备 关于这个真世界不小心你就会事与愿违 请你用心来体会 欢迎你来到真世界也有爱当然也有虚伪 欢迎你来到真世界要付出当然也要防备 关于这个真世界不小心你就会事与愿违 请你大胆来体会 王建硕的博客也很棒!我读的都是在这儿的。当然不能说百分之百地同意,但感觉绝大部分的观点一致。感谢王建硕提供了这么有意义的平台!刚刚上他的网站,刚注意到好久没读他的中文博客了,嗯,抽空看看,现在太晚了。 总而言之,道路是曲折的,但前途是光明的。相信我们所有人的明天都会更好。

  • In Santa Clara for MySQL conference

    It was a clear sky in LA, but looking down, the city seemed to be covered in smog. After working on Sql Server 2008 material in LAX airport for a while, I boarded a turbo-prop for San Jose. Landing time was windy, so it was a bit bumpy. The only flight attendant, Cindy K, joked […]