Category: Other

  • Need more info on the 700 billion dollars bailout plan before we go along with it

    In my previous post, Fareed Zakaria and Wen Jiabao talked about the financial crisis and the fact that China holds so much of US Treasury Bills, and Wen’s belief that the United States is a credible country, and that this crisis could have global impact and major countries should work together. That’s all good, fine…

  • WordPress Upgrade 和一个问题

    Finally, after more than 2 years behind the latest release, I did the WordPress upgrade today. Let me know if there are any issues. I’ve been using FeedBurner for RSS and ATOM feeds, and I know FeedBurner has been harmonized inside China. I thought about getting rid of FeedBurner and let people get the feed…

  • Some 2008 summer pictures

    My son Party after the parents/children T-ball game. Parents team lost. Showing off my athletic prowess during the parents/children and coaches game, my first-ever baseball game. My son made it to the first base, where I was at. My son’s beautiful birthday cake, baked by Mom! My son’s birthday party with friends. Bunny Watching a…

  • Time management

    I’ve been self-employed for more than one year now, and feel that there are a few things I need to adjust. Part of the motivation of self-employment is to spend more time with the family, but that didn’t happen in the last year. In fact, I actually spent less time with my son than before…

  • Wasteful lifestyle and our environment

    Begin rant Riffing off on the recent reports of merchants starting charging for plastic bags in China and gas price increase all over the world: These days, 9 out of 10 times, I tell the cashier that I don’t need a bag while shopping here in the US. Plastic and paper bags are free here…