Category: Other

  • Quick notes for DokuWiki

    Notes from tonight’s playing with DokuWiki. Initially saved it as a text file, then thought, what the hell, it might benefit somebody. 1. Got DokuWiki. Learned this from my buddy Baron, who I admire and whose recommendations I take seriously. 2. Fired up ami-23b6534a, an Amazon virtual instance with Apache pre-configured. /var/www/html is the web […]

  • I-GO car sharing

    We had two cars because the infrastructure, work, and school situation made it necessary. Now I have a full time job in downtown and can take public transportation, we have sold our second car, which happens to be my first car, the 1997 Dodge Neon with manual transmission. I felt pretty relieved when we sold […]

  • Help if you can

    Normally I don’t tweet or update my status on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Occasionally I would respond to friends’ messages, but even that is rare. I stopped reading people’s twitter messages all together last week. I am trying to do a weekly check of Facebook and Flickr messages now, as opposed to […]

  • 看《天下无贼》听老歌

    小学春假,今天儿子在朋友家睡觉。我和老婆有了点闲空。 就和老婆一起看《天下无贼》,很好的一部电影。我想起1990至1994去厦大做火车的时候,俺娘都是把那六七百块钱(我记得应当不到一千)缝在我内裤里带着。这四五十个小时的火车,葛优和刘德华就不要打这笔钱的主意了,李冰冰还可能有点戏。在那绿皮车里,我睡过行李架上和车椅下面,在厕所、过道、车缝间一站就是几个小时。有一次幸运有了个靠窗的座,但那竟成了乘客上下车的通道。1990年是第一次出远门儿,还记得第一次在火车上说普通话的窘迫,虽然晨读时普通话自我感觉良好。 完了一起看CCTV的改革开放30年来的百首金曲,第一集。那些老歌,《年轻的朋友来相会》,《我们的生活充满阳光》,等等等等,勾起了那么多的回忆。谢谢老婆,这些节目她看不太懂,但知道这些歌对我的意义,所以和我一起欣赏。我跟着歌手哼唱,不时给她翻译一些。她看字幕看哪个字认得。我记得我爸那时候喜欢在家里唱那些当时的流行歌曲。想起我爸的哼唱,就觉得特亲切。 岁月流逝,人生短暂。回头看我们这三十多年走过的路,有那么多的欣慰和感触。有时我会跟老婆说,谁能知道那个季庄农村里的光腚猴现在有了这样的家庭和生活?老婆就会说,你应当感谢你的父母,他们在困难的情况下给了你很好的教育,你才能有机会看看外面的世界。她说得当然有道理,这也是我支持海外中国教育基金和中华捐书会的原因。我感觉那个多背一公斤也挺不错的。

  • Going to Santa Clara for MySQL Camp and Percona conference

    Once again this year, I will make a trip to Silicon Valley for MySQL related activities. I will arrive on April 19th and fly back on the 24th. Both the MySQL Camp and Percona conference have some impressive lineup of sessions. I will also be at the Drizzle Developer Day. Once again, like the previous […]