Category: Windows

  • Sql Server GUI display setting for easy viewing

    This is a little note for myself, when overhead projector is involved. Your milage may vary. Query Analyzer, options window: General tab: change Query File Directory to c:\MyPreferredFolder Fonts tab: Editor -> Arial Black, size 16 Fonts tab: Results Text -> Courier New 18 Fonts tab: Selected Text -> Foreground black, Background yellow Windows display […]

  • CD writing in Windows XP and ISO Recorder

    A couple of things learned while rebuilding my home pc: 1. If you have Windows XP and a CD or DVD rw drive, you do not need Nero, EasyCD Creator, Roxio, or any other third-party software to write stuff to your CD; 2. A free utility for Windows XP, called ISO Recorder, allows you to […]

  • Knoppix 3.6 saved the day

    For reasons not clear to me, our Windows XP machine at home died recently. It just wouldn’t boot, after trying safe mode, last known good, etc. This machine is an HP Pavilion 513x, around 6 years old. We had a bunch of children’s game software on it, along with other stuff, such as picture and […]

  • Essential Software for Windows Machine

    Update 20100915: added WinSplit Update 20090830: took out anti-virus software. I now run Windows without it. Also, added CDBurnerXP. This entry was originally posted on November 22, 2005. I made some modifications to it. Right now I am giving Google Reader a try. Therefore FeedDemon is not part of my essentials anymore. I recently rebuilt […]

  • PASS Reports 20061116

    It is good to be at PASS Sql Server conference in Seattle. Most people here have this kindred Sql Server spirit. Since we all have this in common, it is easy to start a conversation with pretty much anybody. All you need to do is to smile, greet each other warmly, and share your own […]