Category: Oracle

  • Generating dimension data for dates

    Most analytical and BI databases have date dimension table(s). One frequently needs to generate and populate such data. I present a solution below for such data generation, written in Python. Please use different database drivers/modules to connect to your specific database server (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc.) for data population. Notes: 1. It takes 2…

  • Data generation with TPC-H’s dbgen for load testing

    2011-06-26 update: I am not sure if there are any changes in the latest make and gcc packages. Anyway, I noticed when run make, I encountered the message below: make: g: Command not found make: [qgen] Error 127 (ignored) To fix this, find where gcc is at, then created a symbolic link g that points…

  • SSDs and their impact on database servers

    Vadim Tkachenko published interesting benchmark results with PCI-E based SSDs here. I recently got a chance to benchmark FusionIO’s 320 GB PCI-E drive. It was really impressive. My results, done on Windows with sqlio, are consistent (not identical, of course, but in the same ballpark) with what Vadim reported in that blog post, done with…

  • SQL code for SQL and Relational Theory

    I am reading SQL and Relational Theory by C. J. Date. Baron Schwartz wrote a nice review for it. I am reading the online version, about half way through, so am not sure if it has an accompanying CD with source code. In any case, if you want to play with some SQL code listed…

  • Thoughts on Data Masking

    Often times, production data needs to be moved to different environments for testing/developing purposes. However, some of that data can be people’s name, birthday, address, account number, etc., that we don’t want testers and/or developers to see, due to privacy and regulatory concerns. Hence the need to mask those data. I can certainly see this…