Author: Haidong Ji

  • 芝加哥公共图书馆有中文书

    芝加哥公共图书馆有很多分馆散落在城市的居民区. 总部在市中心, 是一座红墙绿顶的9层建筑. 据说是世界上占地面积最大的公共图书馆. 图书馆的7层收藏非英文的报纸, 杂志, 和书籍. 我因为上班地点里这儿不远, 所以成了常客. 这里的中文书不是很多, 但够我读一阵子;) 更何况我是中英文轮换着读. 如果你住在芝加哥, 我建议你去看一看.

  • Sample Baseball Database for Learning, Testing, and Demo

    I came across this from a blog I follow. Dbt even provided a nifty script to figure out the most recent world series win, loss and appearance for every team in the league. I first heard about this database probably a year ago. Anyway, I thought this really is a great database for my baseball-loving […]

  • Pointers on WordPress customization please

    I’ve had my blog for a couple of weeks by now. It was hosted by MidPhase. I used it because it had good reviews and a colleague recommended it. Based on my experience so far, I am not too happy with it. I will leave that for another post. Anyway, I am actually pretty happy […]

  • Fix Page 404 Error in WordPress

    If 1. You use WordPress; 2. You have permalink turned on; 3. You just wrote a page using WordPress but when you view the page, you get 404 page not found error; Then 1. Go to Options->Permalinks; 2. Click Update Permalink Structure. If your .htaccess cannot be updated through the web interface (very likely), copy […]

  • 怎样在Windows XP设置紫光 (How to install and configure ZiGuang on English version of Windows XP)

    哇塞, 好不容易, 今天终于把紫光搞定了!!! 以下是我的步骤. 按提示如有必要需重新启动(也可能需要Windows安装软盘): 1. Download紫光; 2. 下载以后的文件需要扩展. 选择c:\temp, 安装软件就会被扩展到那里; 3. 打开c:\temp, 运行unispim30.msi 4. 安装. 安装过程中视窗的中文我没有看到, 试着猜过去:) 5. 打开Control Panel, 选择Regional and Language Options; 6. 单击Advanced tab, 在下落单子里选择Chinese (PRC); 7. 有可能需重新启动; 8. 打开Control Panel, 选择Regional and Language Options; 9. 单击Language tab, 单击Details. 你会看到Text Services and Input Languages 窗口. 按需要选择语言. 紫光是Chinese (PRC)后头跟着模糊的乱码; 10. 在Text Services […]