Blog reading using Miniflux
I used to host my own blog reader running TT-RSS. I’ve recently switched to Miniflux. I highly recommend it. Advantages of Miniflux over TT-RSS My setup I ran it using docker-compose, along with ol’ Apache web server. Here is a sample docker-compose.yml file: Here is a sample Apache2 site conf. I use Let’s Encrypt to…
Switch between different k8s clusters using zsh
In my last post, I shared my method of switching between different aws account using oh-my-zsh. Often times, many DevOps and cloud administrators also manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. Just like knowing which aws profile you are using on a terminal, it is important to know which k8s cluster context you are under. This helps to…
Switch between different aws accounts using zsh
It is pretty common for a company to have multiple aws accounts. A cloud administrator may find him/her self needing to switch accounts regularly. When doing so, s/he also needs to be aware which account’s profile s/he is under. Fortunately, zsh running on MacOS, Linux, or Windows WSL can assist! Assumptions: Create config file for…
Web front for my code
Awhile ago I set up my own git server. I’ve been hacking happily using that and Eclipse. In my spare time, I’ve been taking UCSD’s wonderful algorithm course: Algorithmic Design and Techniques. The course provides plenty of programming challenges! I chose the paid version so my code can be evaluated against all tests in the…
Getting Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server
I’ve been thinking about setting up my own git server for a while, and finally got it up and running last week. Since I do a lot of hacking with Eclipse, I naturally want Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server. Here are a couple of noteworthy points: As of this writing, if…