Author: Haidong Ji

  • Blog reading using Miniflux

    I used to host my own blog reader running TT-RSS. I’ve recently switched to Miniflux. I highly recommend it. Advantages of Miniflux over TT-RSS My setup I ran it using docker-compose, along with ol’ Apache web server. Here is a sample docker-compose.yml file: Here is a sample Apache2 site conf. I use Let’s Encrypt to…

  • Switch between different k8s clusters using zsh

    In my last post, I shared my method of switching between different aws account using oh-my-zsh. Often times, many DevOps and cloud administrators also manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. Just like knowing which aws profile you are using on a terminal, it is important to know which k8s cluster context you are under. This helps to…

  • Switch between different aws accounts using zsh

    It is pretty common for a company to have multiple aws accounts. A cloud administrator may find him/her self needing to switch accounts regularly. When doing so, s/he also needs to be aware which account’s profile s/he is under. Fortunately, zsh running on MacOS, Linux, or Windows WSL can assist! Assumptions: Create config file for…

  • Web front for my code

    Awhile ago I set up my own git server. I’ve been hacking happily using that and Eclipse. In my spare time, I’ve been taking UCSD’s wonderful algorithm course: Algorithmic Design and Techniques. The course provides plenty of programming challenges! I chose the paid version so my code can be evaluated against all tests in the…

  • Getting Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server

    I’ve been thinking about setting up my own git server for a while, and finally got it up and running last week. Since I do a lot of hacking with Eclipse, I naturally want Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server. Here are a couple of noteworthy points: As of this writing, if…