Web front for my code
Awhile ago I set up my own git server. I’ve been hacking happily using that and Eclipse. In my spare time, I’ve been taking UCSD’s wonderful algorithm course: Algorithmic Design and Techniques. The course provides plenty of programming challenges! I chose the paid version so my code can be evaluated against all tests in the…
Getting Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server
I’ve been thinking about setting up my own git server for a while, and finally got it up and running last week. Since I do a lot of hacking with Eclipse, I naturally want Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server. Here are a couple of noteworthy points: As of this writing, if…
Mathematical modeling of fake news
I took Mathematical Modelling Basics course during the last couple of months. It was produced by Delft University of Technology, offered for free on edX. Thanks TUDelft and edX! It is a great course introducing mathematical modeling. I like the fact in this short course, 3 important areas are covered with good practices: mathematics, computer…
Automatically mount USB 3 attached to my wifi router
As discussed here, I have Seagate Ultra Slim USB 3 attached to my wifi router as a NAS (Network-attached storage). It provides a good backup/sharing storage for my home network that’s accessible from all my home computing devices, which was nice. Accessing it from Windows is easy to set up, all I needed to do…
fail2ban installation and configuration notes
A couple of days ago one web site I volunteer to manage was under DDOS attack. I installed and configured fail2ban to protect us from future similar attacks. Here are some notes. The server is the RedHat/Fedora/CentOS variety, as you can tell from commands listed below. Please translate them to your distro’s corresponding commands as…