Author: Haidong Ji

  • Web front for my code

    Awhile ago I set up my own git server. I’ve been hacking happily using that and Eclipse. In my spare time, I’ve been taking UCSD’s wonderful algorithm course: Algorithmic Design and Techniques. The course provides plenty of programming challenges! I chose the paid version so my code can be evaluated against all tests in the…

  • Getting Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server

    I’ve been thinking about setting up my own git server for a while, and finally got it up and running last week. Since I do a lot of hacking with Eclipse, I naturally want Eclipse’s EGit to work with my own git server. Here are a couple of noteworthy points: As of this writing, if…

  • Mathematical modeling of fake news

    I took Mathematical Modelling Basics course during the last couple of months. It was produced by Delft University of Technology, offered for free on edX. Thanks TUDelft and edX! It is a great course introducing mathematical modeling. I like the fact in this short course, 3 important areas are covered with good practices: mathematics, computer…

  • Automatically mount USB 3 attached to my wifi router

    As discussed here, I have Seagate Ultra Slim USB 3 attached to my wifi router as a NAS (Network-attached storage). It provides a good backup/sharing storage for my home network that’s accessible from all my home computing devices, which was nice. Accessing it from Windows is easy to set up, all I needed to do…

  • fail2ban installation and configuration notes

    A couple of days ago one web site I volunteer to manage was under DDOS attack. I installed and configured fail2ban to protect us from future similar attacks. Here are some notes. The server is the RedHat/Fedora/CentOS variety, as you can tell from commands listed below. Please translate them to your distro’s corresponding commands as…