Category: Windows

  • Geeky notes: monitors, WinSplit, PrintServer, Intel SSD

    Long time no see, dear reader. Quite a few things have happened. Frankly, I feel pretty drained in the last a year or two. Lately, I’ve spent time pondering about some metaphysical questions, such as the meaning of life, identity issues, and things of that nature. Hopefully those thinking will make me a better human […]

  • Installing Windows 7 on Samsung N120 Netbook

    Installing software on a netbook is tricky, as there is no CD/DVD-ROM drive on it. One could buy a usb-attached CD/DVD-ROM for it. It is also possible to do it with usb thumb drive and usb disk drive. I have Western Digital’s usb disk drive, and that was what I used to install Windows 7 […]

  • Masking a CSV file through shuffling

    I wrote a bit on data masking here. Below is a simple C# program to reshuffle data in a csv file. It uses FileHelpers library for the .Net Framework. To play with this simple code, first download FileHelpers library. Then save the text below the C# code into a file, modify the code to so […]

  • Random oddity

    Recently I wrote a program to reshuffle data in a csv file. And I ran into a problem with Random in C#. Let’s look at the following program. One would think that it should print 5 integers, randomly picked between 0 and 8. But no, in almost all cases, the program prints the same integer […]

  • Sql Server database mirroring automatic failover verification

    Starting with Sql Server 2005, Sql Server provides an interesting high availability option at individual database level, called database mirroring. When configured in high availability mode (principal, mirror, and witness), provided that: 1. Failover Partner information is supplied in the connection string; 2. Application code knows to retry database operations; then automatic fail over will […]