Category: Other

  • 美国太子党

    Todd Stroger, son of former Cook County Board President John Stroger, was elected to his father’s position recently. John had to resign due to a stroke last year, after serving tirelessly and heroically for 12 years, on behalf of good ‘ol tax-paying residents of Cook County, yours truly included. He left with 500 million dollars […]

  • Christmas 2006

    My son had doubts about Santa for a couple of years, but as long as the presents kept coming, he simply played along. This past Christmas, the secret was finally out. He has tried various ways to debunk this myth. While we were discussing what he wanted to get before Christmas, he mentioned that if […]

  • Category re-org

    I re-organized my post categories a bit, so readers can pick and choose what you want more easily. Some people don’t care about technology, while others only like the technology part of this blog. This will make it easier for people to read things they want to read. Here are some examples on how to […]

  • Refresh lost wireless Internet connection

    I have WEP wireless connection at home. Sometimes, after waking up my computer from its hibernation state because of inactivity, I would lose internet connection. The wireless bar in system trey would still show excellent connetion, though. Here is how I solve this problem: 1. Go to command prompt; 2. Run this command: ipconfig /renew

  • Five things you don’t know about me

    Prince Roy tagged me for this blogging game, where I am expected to reveal 5 things the world doesn’t know about me. Here goes: 1. I suck at important exams, for a variety of reasons, chief among them are not studying hard enough, not being able to concentrate during study, or lack of interest. There […]