Category: Other

  • Overcome Computer and Web Addiction

    Danny has a great post about TV watching. As always, his writing is great. I like the structure and flow of his sentences. They are layered nicely, with great humor here and there to boot. My yearly cable TV / broadcast TV consumption is probably less than 10 hours. We got cable TV for free…

  • Muzzy Is Great

    I’ve heard from somebody that Muzzy, the BBC foreign language program, is great. She bought it for her grandson for German learning. Unfortunately, at the time, there was no Chinese Muzzy program. Due to popular request, Muzzy finally got a Chinese program. I got it 2 weeks ago and it has been great. My son…

  • Thoughts on Blog Writing

    Ken talks about his experiment on blog writting and posting. I liked the way he shared his experience, the thought process behind it, and how he drew his conclusions. And kudos to Louis’ comments, especially on the personal touch to blogs. It seems that some blogs are like oven-baked bread. The raw materials, in the…

  • Some of my book writing experience

    Louis wrote his pain in book writing. I can feel his pain:) It reminded me of my experience during the writing of our SSIS book. Fellow co-authors Andy Leonard and Kathi Kellenberger also have some interesting blogs on their experience. Initially, I found 2 things very frustrating. They are all related to screen capturing: 1.…

  • Chinese not displayed properly

    Due to my hosting company’s issue with MySql language character set, my Chinese entries will not be displayed properly. I am trying to fix it. My patience with the hosting company, MidPhase, is running low. My site has had many issues in less than one month’s existence.