Category: Technology

  • Adding attachment to Outlook 2016 email

    A couple of months ago Outlook 2016 on my old PC (Windows 10) started misbehaving: Clicking “Attach File” to add an attachment from my PC to an email message; A window would show up. When it worked, I would be able to move the mouse down and click “Browse This PC…”. However, nowadays this window…

  • SQL Server best practice: grant permissions to per-service SID

    Since Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista, from SQL Server 2008 onward, SQL Server installation process automatically generates per-service security identifier (SID). Whenever possible, it is recommended to grant rights to this service SID for security reasons, instead of your SQL Server’s startup account, which typically is domain user account. For example, for performance reasons, I always…

  • Accessing modem status information with Netgear router

    If, like me, you bought your own cable modem and Netgear wireless router for Comcast service, the way to access your modem’s status information is different. When using the equipment provided by Comcast, in my case the Technicolor TC8305C, which is a combo of modem, router, and voice, I can easily see modem information while…

  • Eclipse PDT PHP Web Application Run Configuration

    I had some trouble setting up Run Configurations in Eclipse for PHP (PDT plugin). Here is my note for future reference. Machine: Ubuntu 15 64-bit, with Eclipse Mars. sudo apt-get install php5 installed apache2 for me, so no additional web server install is necessary. Enable userdir mod: sudo a2enmod userdir Your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf should look like…

  • anacron and defunct logrotate configuration file

    I’ve been hacking Linux for years, and today is the first time that I came across anacron. So one lives and learns… One of my fellow OCEF volunteers keeps receiving the following email message, even after he removed fail2ban: [code language=”text”] /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: logrotate_script: 2: logrotate_script: fail2ban-client: not found error: error running non-shared postrotate script for…