Category: DatabaseInteroperability

  • Problems with Oracle Migration Workbench

    Database vendors like to bash each other, sponsoring dubious “objective industry studies” to “prove” they are better than others. All of them do it. In my opinion, Oracle is particularly bad in this regard, compared against IBM DB2 or Microsoft Sql Server. Talking about “unbreakable Oracle” and software full of bugs, and in many cases […]

  • Monitoring error logs in Oracle and Sql Server

    In Oracle, there are 3 places that I know of that are important for monitoring: the bdump, where background process error is stored; udump, where user trace error is dumped; and cdump, the core dump, where Oracle internal error is dumped. cdump is in the binary format, you can use “strings -a” to look at […]

  • Assign SELECT results into variables

    I mentioned here that SELECT INTO in Sql Server is functionally similar to CREATE TABLE AS in Oracle. Oracle also has SELECT INTO, but it is used for assigning query results to a variable. Here is a PL/SQL code snippet: declare MyVariable varchar2(20); Begin select ColumnName into MyVariable from MyTable where MyID = SomeInteger; dbms_output.put_line(‘Hello […]

  • CTAS and Select Into

    In both Oracle and MySQL, you can do: create table T1 as select * from T1 This CREATE TABLE AS statement basically clones table T1 with its structure and data in T2. This can be pretty handy at times. The equivalent of that in Sql Server is SELECT INTO. For example, you can do: select […]

  • Delete permission implementation differences

    I mentioned when grant statements take into effect in Sql Server, MySql, and Oracle here. I found out recently that there are some implementation differences when you grant only delete permission on a table to a user. MySql and Sql Server do this the same way, whereas Oracle is different. Suppose you have: 1. Table […]