Category: EastWest

  • My son’s Chinese exceeded my expectations

    During our trip to Dallas for spring break, I was pleasantly surprised that my first grader’s Chinese is better than I expected. My son was in a Japanese immersion Montessori school for pre-school (3-4) and kindergarten (5). We put him in the Japanese immersion program because Japanese is as close to Chinese as I could…

  • Barcelona, day 3

    My better half is right. I was mobbed by my fans from all over the world! I woke up and decided that I’d like to find a cache in Spain. It’s really neat to be able to find treasures in a different part of the world. I opened the window and put my eTrex on…

  • Barcelona, day 2

    I got a chance to see Sagrada Familia today. Once again, Metro is my preferred way of transportation. Transfer to different lines on Metro, where available, is free. Based on my experience so far, I like the subway system here. The trains are all punctual and fast. There is a display at each station telling…

  • Wawa Yaya is great

    I talked about Muzzy Chinese program in this post. It’s a great program. We loved it. Another children’s Chinese language material I recommend is a game series called Wawa Yaya. These games are very interactive. All characters speak great Mandarin Chinese and they talk a lot, which is good if you want your kids to…

  • I want it that way — Funny Chinese student spoof music videos

    Here are some links to funny spoof MTV videos produced by college kids in China. The shorter guy is 黄艺馨 (Huang YiXin). The tall guy in the back is 韦炜 (Wei Wei). The guy in the background playing computer games is 肖静 (Xiao Jing). Oh wait, maybe he is their agent busy dealing with potential…