More Manjaro config: Chinese input and clock setting

I’m enjoying running Manjaro Arch Linux on my workstation so far. Some additional notes below.

1. I had trouble getting Fcitx Chinese input working, so I used IBus instead. Here is what I installed using Manjaro’s package GUI tool: IBus Preferences and ibus-pinyin;

2. IBus Pinyin works fine on this system except for Emacs. Using the system’s IME for Chinese input into Emacs is a fairly common problem. There are various hacks to get it work (mostly dealing with playing with LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.utf8), none to my liking. So I installed an Emacs package from MELPA, pyim. I put the following into my .emacs.d/init.el:[code language=”text”]
(require ‘pyim)
(require ‘pyim-basedict) ; 拼音词库设置,五笔用户 *不需要* 此行设置
(pyim-basedict-enable) ; 拼音词库,五笔用户 *不需要* 此行设置
(setq default-input-method "pyim")[/code]
Ctrl-backslash invokes this input method. Ctrl-n and Ctrl-b pages down and up for character selections. It’s not as sophisticated as a full-blown IME, but it’ll do in a pinch.

3. I customized the format of the clock in system tray to %Y-%m-%d %A %R


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