1. The script prints out elapsed time since transaction started, MySQL thread id, and the kill statement for transactions running longer than a defined threshold value, in seconds. Just copy, paster, and then execute the kill statement if you want to terminate the long transaction(s);
2. Adjust shellCmd variable;
3. Adjust longRunningThreshold value as needed. It is measured in seconds;
4. No special libraries/modules needed, as long as there is a working mysql client;
5. re module is used for regex processing. Good place to find examples of regular expression search and grouping. A status variable is used to assist locating MySQL thread id once a transaction running longer than the defined threshold is found.
[sourcecode language=”python”]
import re, shlex, subprocess
def runCmd(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
out, err = proc.communicate()
ret = proc.returncode
return (ret, out, err)
shellCmd = “””mysql -h hostName -e “show innodb status\\G””””
longRunningThreshold = 600
returnCode, stdOut, stdErr = runCmd(shellCmd)
targetTransactionFound = False
for line in stdOut.split(‘\n’):
if targetTransactionFound:
match =’^MySQL\sthread\sid\s(\d+),’, line)
if match:
print ‘MySQL thread id’,, ‘ has been running for ‘, secondsTransactionElapsed, ‘ seconds’
print ‘To kill it, run: kill’,
targetTransactionFound = False
match =’^—TRANSACTION\s\w+,\sACTIVE\s(\d+)\ssec’, line)
if match:
if (long( > longRunningThreshold):
targetTransactionFound = True
secondsTransactionElapsed =
3 responses to “Finding long running INNODB transactions”
Have you tried extracting the data from the 3 INFORMATION_SCHEMA InnoDB tables about transactions: innodb_trx, innodb_locks and innodb_lock_waits? They are described in
[…] seen a number of solutions for finding long running transactions or sessions within InnoDB / MySQL now. […]
Thanks Vasil for the link.
It looks interesting. I will find some time to dig into it. Mark Leith’s blog post on the same subject is also pretty interesting.