Enjoying the Olympics and soccer coaching advice

I’ve been really enjoying the Olympics. Too bad NBC is the only network that does the broadcast. I wish more than one network could broadcast the games, so we get to see different sports. I’ve been using TV Ants on my laptop to watch some CCTV programs from China, but the sports I want to watch is usually broadcast live in the early morning hours.

Last night I watched the 110 meter hurdle men’s qualifying match and saw Liu Xiang had to give up due to injuries. That’s too bad, I wish him good luck and speedy recoveries.

Saw women’s balance beam individual competition earlier, just fantastic. Also watched Bob Costas’ interview of Shawn Johnson and her China-born coach. Men’s individual high bar competition was also fantastic!

I am watching a ping pang match between US player Gao Jun, a transplanted Chinese, and Slovakia Eva Odorova player at the moment, but I don’t think I could stay long enough to watch Yao Ming and the Chinese men’s basketball team compete with Lithuania. Good luck China!

In the spirit of the Olympics, I’ve joined 海外兵团 and taken over the coaching position of US soccer team! The Chinese men’s soccer team sucks so much that I figured the only way for the team to have a chance is to bring down the level of opponents!

Anyway, I volunteered to assist my son’s soccer team, but the team is in need of a co-head coach, so here I am. I really don’t know much of coaching children’s soccer, so any advice will be appreciated. I went to the library for some books, but they’ve all been checked out.

Update: Gao Jun won. Now I am watching the ping pong match between Sweden’s Jorgen Persson and a Serbian player. Very exciting to watch! Man, Persson has been around for ever. Believe it or not, Persson and Jan-Ove Waldner were almost household names in late 80s and early 90s in China. They are definitely more famous in China than their native Sweden! I think Waldner (老瓦) owns a restaurant/bar or something like that in China. Of course I am rooting for Sweden, my wife’s homeland!

Update: Persson won. Got to go to bed now.


2 responses to “Enjoying the Olympics and soccer coaching advice”

  1. Get Beckham’s video. It’s good and teaches good handling skills. You cna see he has a connection with the kids. This is still while he was at Man U. and had the long hair.

  2. Thanks a lot Brian. I will check that out.

    This is also good for me to get some much needed exercise, in addition to spending more time with my son.

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