Enable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks for cluster install

I talked about one issue when setting up Sql cluster here. Recently I came across another problem while setting up a Sql Server 2000 cluster on a 2-node Windows 2003 cluster.

The error occurred at the step where you were asked to provide a login that can get into the remote node(s), server(s) where install is not originated from. Below is the error message:

The specified account cannot be validated to have administrator rights on Node2.
 An error occurred: (1203)

No network provider accepted the given network path.

This is most likely caused by the fact that File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is not enabled. You can verify that by trying to open up \\Node2\c$. You will most likely encounter the “No network provider accepted the given network path”.

To enable that feature, go to your network connection, right click on Properties, and check the corresponding box. Note that for clusters, most likely you will have 2 networks: one public and one private. You need to enable this feature on the public network in order to continue. Reboot is not required.

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4 responses to “Enable File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks for cluster install”

  1. Te quiero agradecer mucho la Ayuda, este articulo fue de gran utilidad, y no sabes como me ayudo.

    Gracias a personas como tu la gente puede aprender mas y mejores cosas, sigue adelante y recibe un caluroso saludo desde México.


  2. Hi,

    I have a Sharepoint Server and another Server from which I would like to access the Sharepoint Site.
    Run, \\SharepointServer\C$ displays the File Explorer correctly
    Run, \\SharepointServer\Site displays “No network provider accepted the given network path”. How would you explain that ?

    a+, =)

    Configuration of ‘another Server’ :
    -Windows Server 2003 Entreprise x64 Edition SP1
    -5 network connections, 3/5 with File And Printer Sharing etc activated

  3. Hmm, not to sure about this. I probably need to see it to be able to help.

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