Category: Web

  • Blog reading using Miniflux

    I used to host my own blog reader running TT-RSS. I’ve recently switched to Miniflux. I highly recommend it. Advantages of Miniflux over TT-RSS My setup I ran it using docker-compose, along with ol’ Apache web server. Here is a sample docker-compose.yml file: Here is a sample Apache2 site conf. I use Let’s Encrypt to…

  • Web front for my code

    Awhile ago I set up my own git server. I’ve been hacking happily using that and Eclipse. In my spare time, I’ve been taking UCSD’s wonderful algorithm course: Algorithmic Design and Techniques. The course provides plenty of programming challenges! I chose the paid version so my code can be evaluated against all tests in the…

  • fail2ban installation and configuration notes

    A couple of days ago one web site I volunteer to manage was under DDOS attack. I installed and configured fail2ban to protect us from future similar attacks. Here are some notes. The server is the RedHat/Fedora/CentOS variety, as you can tell from commands listed below. Please translate them to your distro’s corresponding commands as…

  • Accessing modem status information with Netgear router

    If, like me, you bought your own cable modem and Netgear wireless router for Comcast service, the way to access your modem’s status information is different. When using the equipment provided by Comcast, in my case the Technicolor TC8305C, which is a combo of modem, router, and voice, I can easily see modem information while…

  • Eclipse PDT PHP Web Application Run Configuration

    I had some trouble setting up Run Configurations in Eclipse for PHP (PDT plugin). Here is my note for future reference. Machine: Ubuntu 15 64-bit, with Eclipse Mars. sudo apt-get install php5 installed apache2 for me, so no additional web server install is necessary. Enable userdir mod: sudo a2enmod userdir Your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf should look like…