I had trouble getting Perl DBI and DBD-mysql on Windows in the past. In addition, on Windows 64-bit, you sometimes see recommendations of using 32-bit Perl.
Today I got to test the latest 64-bit ActiveState Perl distro for Windows, version I tested it on Windows 2008 R2 64-bit. I am happy to report that it works. I am not categorically recommend FOR the installation of 64-bit Perl on Windows, though.
Here are the steps:
1. Get the ActiveState Perl 64-bit package for Windows and install it, following all the default options;
2. On command prompt, do:
cd c:\perl64\bin
ppm install DBI
ppm install DBD-mysql
I then tested against both Oracle’s MySQL 5.5 Community Server and MariaDb’s 5.2.7 on Windows with MaatKit’s mk-table-checksum to confirm. And it worked fine:
C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\maatkit-7540\maatkit-7540\bin>c:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe mk-table-checksum –databases mysql h=localhost,u=root,p=password