美国相关宣传部门立即通知全国大小媒体,不准报道戴维斯的CIA关联。各大媒体,作为政府当权派的喉舌,一如既往地跟着主旋律走,集体噤声。但英国的《卫报》不买这个帐,把戴维斯的CIA身份捅了出来。我的美国同胞,Glenn Greenwald,我眼中的真正美国英雄,也不买这个帐,我力荐他的相关与此事的两篇分析: This week in winning hearts and minds和The NYT’s journalistic obedience。
如果我的读者哪位曾经获得过诺贝尔和平奖,我再次呼吁你帮个忙,给Glenn Greenwald和ESWN作者、张爱玲遗产执行人宋一朗先生提名。我觉得那个叫阿桑奇的白发魔男不够格:这哥们的一些行为不地道,表演欲太强。
上面说到了一些“外交官”签证护照的问题。很巧的是,我前几天刚读完Bob Woodward的Obama’s Wars这本书,中间提到过CIA进入巴基斯坦的问题。Bob Woodward这哥们总体上也跟着主旋律走,像他通过一些材料和对话对巴基斯坦和阿富汗的影射: 一无是处,很无能、可恶和可怕。像阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊,他本人到底怎样,暂且不论。但在小布什朝代初期,被媒体描绘成阿富汗的救世主。他的微笑、潇洒的袍子、和头顶的圆帽通过媒体的正面描述,深深地打动了美国人民。小布什有一次到国会发表国情咨文时,曾把他飞到华府,邀请他到上首去坐,可能还受到了参众议员的起立鼓掌欢迎。而现在的卡尔扎伊在美国的形象和当时的美国形象有天壤之别:无能、腐败、在“恐怖战争”上拖后腿,并且涉嫌贩毒。美国的参众议员们和电视台记者也开骂,说到动情处,声情并茂,有“打倒在地,再踏上一只脚”的味道。
The Pakistanis balked at the joint operations, but were soon granting visas for more CIA people to enter Pakistan. For example, a January 18, 2010, request for 36 CIA people was soon approved, and CIA deputy director Steve Kapps personally asked for 10 more visas on April, 19, 2010.
Jones said that President Obama wanted four things: full intelligence sharing, more cooperation on counterterrorism, faster approval of visas for U.S. personnel, and, despite past refusals, the sharing of airline passenger data.
If, God forbid, Shahzad’s SUV had blown up in Times Square, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, Jones warned. The president would be forced to do things that Pakistan would not like.
“The President wants everyone in Pakistan to understand if such an attack connected to a Pakistani group is successful there are some things even he would not be able to stop. Just as there are political realities in Pakistan, there are political realities in the United States.
“No one will be able to stop the response and consequences. This is not a threat, just a statement of political fact.” 这一段多讽刺啊!
The options for Obama would be significantly narrowed in the aftermath of an attack originating out of Pakistan. Before such as attack, however, he had more options, especially if there was a way for Pakistan to make good on his four requests. Some 150 visa applications for U.S. military and intelligence operatives were being withheld that were over six weeks old, and U.S. embassy personnel were now required to renew their visas every 90 days. The Pakistanis were dragging their feet on visas for U.S. personnel to carry out the transfer of equipment that the Pakistani military needed. It was insane, Jones thought.
In the event of a terrorist attack, Lute worried that it would be hard for Obama to defend Pakistant because their leaders had refused to do what had been simple and easy, especially on the visas and passenger lists. If two near-misses were the leading edge of a trend, what would it take to wake the Pakistanis up?
呜呼,讽刺呀,讽刺!上面说到这次小奥的说客是克里参议员,因为以前的说客格兰姆(Lindsey Graham)参议员,拜登副总统,国家安全顾问,CIA的头等都和巴基斯坦的总统和情报部门谈过,肯定也在CIA人员入境的问题上施过压。这下出事了,无辜的人被杀死了,再派那些人去,再不要脸,恐怕也不行了吧!并且据说克里参议员对国务卿一职抱有浓厚的兴趣。