洪仁坤, Issachar Jacox Roberts, 天王, 罗孝全







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Happy New Year, dear reader!

Due to different romanization systems used in the past, the same Chinese people and places’ names were rendered differently in English, and possibly in other languages like French, German, and Russian too. For English, Wade-Giles was used for the better half of a century before Pinyin took over and became ISO standard in 1982. As a result, Wade-Giles names were present in many books, historic documents, treaties and such. I don’t know French, German, and Russian, but I suspect the same, and I think there is a treasure trove of China related documents there, given the history in the last 150 years or so.

For example, it would be fun to be able to read Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai’s records in the French archives, both are well known. But what about less well-known people and places in books and missionary and correspondents’ documents? Wouldn’t it be nice if there is a place where this information can be easily looked up? Yeah, there is Wikipedia, but I thought a dedicated site for this purpose would be nice.

Now to the other side of the coin: foreign names’ rendering in Chinese can also be interesting, because mainland, HK, and Taiwan all have its own systems. To be honest, I don’t know what the standard, or if there is one currently, for translating foreign names into Chinese. Prior to liberation, name translations were at least consistent before the founding of the PRC, such as translations for famous philosophers like 尼采(Nietzsche),叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer), 马斯洛(Abraham Moslow). But different characters were used for names introduced into Chinese after liberation across those 3 regions, and books and documents had been written with those different names for the same person or place.

And there are transcribed names for gadgets, drinks, song/movie/book titles. I’d like to collect that information too.

I will write a “how to participate guide”. In the meantime, if you’d like to help, just search for “Please enter here”, and edit away if you know what to fill. As a benevalent dictator, I reserve the final right in approve, modify, and/or reject changes.

As to the strange title of this post, well, those name are certainly subjects of this wiki. At the same time, I just thought it was kinda funny.



2 responses to “洪仁坤, Issachar Jacox Roberts, 天王, 罗孝全”

  1. Thanks ипотпал.

    Well, the wiki site is for name translation between Chinese and foreign languages. If you have input on name translation between Chinese and Slavic languages, I’d love to hear about it.


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