Rockville是华盛顿特区在马里兰州的郊区。之前我来这儿好几次了。这次来之前,我查了一下这儿的中餐馆,找到了一个名字叫“峨嵋小馆”的地方。它离我的旅馆很近,走得到,挺好的。这儿交通也很方便,坐往Shady Grove方向的Metro红线,Twinbrook站下车,再走六七分钟就到。
Joe’s Noodle House
1488-C Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland
贴几张这个小馆的菜的照片。明天有可能和网上认识的Prince Roy会面,期待中。现在该回去做一些Linux,MySQL,和Perl之类的东西。千里之行,始于足下。
3 responses to “峨嵋小馆”
Sooo much food for just one man!! 😉
@wifey: from what I saw, he’s got a pretty hearty appetite!
This place looks pretty decent. The problem is, we never go out to Rockville. When we first lived here in 2000 we drove out there a couple of times, because at that time the Chinese food in VA wasn’t so great. But later on we found a decent Sichuan place, so didn’t head back. And now, of course, with the HK Palace, there’s even less of a reason to drive so far.
Well, now the world knows I “eat like a horse”, I can only hope that I at least displayed passable table manners at HK Palace.
Thanks again PR for you and your wife’s hospitality! Deep dish pizza is waiting for you guys in Chi-town.