


1. 早睡早起。如想躺着多看会儿书,9点半左右就得上床
2. 起床后第一件事就是锻炼身体,骑健身自行车至少一刻钟,然后弄点俯卧撑、仰卧起坐、哑铃之类。我发现早晨锻炼一下,那一整天的感觉都好。如早晨起来觉得饿得慌,先吃点东西垫垫肚子再说
3. 洗漱完毕的第一件事就是做计划。拿张草稿纸,写下要做的事情,越详细越好,按轻重缓急排序,然后就去执行。如奇迹发生,竟然能在一天内做完,那就再计划一次。或许要给自己留下少许游手好闲的时间来


2 responses to “自我批评兼决心书”

  1. Regarding point 2: I’ve never been a morning person, but looking back on the last month, I would say that the fact I have an 8 o’clock class every morning Monday to Friday has somehow got me into a slightly healthier state. See, that means that Monday to Friday I must drag my lazy arse out of bed at 6:15, get myself washed, fed, clothed, and ready (my Mrs gets up later, you see), get on my bike and cycle the 50 metres to the overbridge, walk over the bridge, cycle to the office and collect the stuff I need for class, [4 days out of 5] cycle to class [Wednesday that first class is in the same building] then climb to the fifth floor [Wednesdays usually means going back down to the first floor, along to a stairwell that is more likely to be open at 7:45-ish, then climbing to the sixth floor]. So I get some exercise and I get properly woken up- by force- and therefore somehow the day seems to go better. Especially if I compare this routine to last summer’s 乱七八糟.

    So, I dunno, you can’t assume one person’s experience is going to work for another, but I suspect a morning exercise routine of some kind might help you get the day started a little more healthily. At the very least, it’s a good thing to try.

    And I hope I haven’t been the cause of any trouble…..

  2. Thanks Chris.

    You don’t cause trouble at all. In fact, ESWN, Prince Roy, and yours are 3 most insightful blogs for me. They widen my horizon, make me think and do further reading, and are great learning tools.

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