



1 什么是地道的美国英语?一般人的理解大多是好莱坞影片里的或是播音员的英语。那样的英语主要是加利福尼亚口音,并不能代表美国多样的口音及方言。


2 即使我们把加利福尼亚英语作为地道的美国英语,对于中国出生、中国长大的人来说,能够说得标准到听不出口音的人,可以说是极少极少。实际上这对任何国家的人来说都是一样。因为人一超过十几岁的年龄,那种自然的接收语言的窗口已经逐渐关闭了。带一些口音是正常的。


1 讲英语时不要追求酷和潇洒,能说清楚、明白、简洁是最好的。在很多情况下,你要说慢一些才能达到这一目的;

2 你的口音是你个人的一部分。实际上不少人会认为外国口音有意思,甚或有魅力。施瓦辛格的演技那么差,美国不少人是冲着他的浓重的奥地利-德国口音去看他的电影的。当然也不要自以为某种口音特有魅力而刻意模仿,弄得不好,只会东施效颦,适得其反;

3 对交谈中的重要信息,不要囫囵吞枣,不懂装懂。对不明白的东西,可以问对方,或者换个角度说一说,尽量减少误解。



Sign from Fast Track restaurant


7 responses to “地道的美式英语”

  1. Good post. I’ve always found accents fascinating. I think you’re right that many people are attracted to accents. I think Americans tend to be in particular. I remember when my great grandmotehr was alive. She immigrated here from Sicily with her parents in 1904. Reflecting back now, I realize that she had quite a heavy accent, but when I was a small child, I didn’t notice it at all. I take it you and your wife are both immigrants? It must be an interesting experience for your son. He’s very lucky in that he’ll probably have near native Swedish, Chinese and of course native English.

    As a new student of Chinese, I got hung up on accents myself. I always took it as a matter of pride when I spoke with someone on the phone and then later when I met them for the first time, they couldn’t believe I was a foreigner. I’ve lost that degree of fluency I’m afraid. But like you write here, it’s not really that important. I know the typcial American accent when speaking Mandarin, but unfortunatley I can’t hear my own. I think that’s an interesting phenomenon as well.

    Again great stuff here. Well, my flight home takes me through Chicago, but too bad I am there for only a few hours…

  2. Thanks PR!

    I am a PR in the US. Maria is on student visa.

    Our son is fluent in Japanese, I think, because we sent him to a Japanese immersion Montessori school for pre-school and kindergarten. Japanese is as close to Chinese as I could get when there was no good Chinese school nearby.

    I don’t know Japanese myself so it is hard for me to judge his level. His English is fluent. But he only knows very limited Mandarin Chinese and Swedish, probably some Spanish also. The main reason is that Mom and Dad only speak English to each other. And we didn’t want to confuse him with all the different languages. In hindsight, we probably should have spoken our native language to him anyway. I am introducing more Chinese now, but I’ve got to be careful with my method, because I do not want to turn him off.

    I totally understand the desire to have flawless accent. I was like that too. Like you said, sometimes people mistake me as a native English speaker, usually when I am relaxed and well-rested. I got a big kick out of that too. It’s kind of funny that I think my ears are not that sensitive to English outside North America, having living here for so long. I realized that when I was in Barcelona last month.

    Sent you a separate email. Don’t know how long your layover in O’Hare will be. We could still do a beering, if it can be worked out.

  3. looks like it will only be for a couple of hours on Friday 24 March, from 1230 or so until 1440…a shame!

  4. That’s all right PR. I believe one of those days we will meet 🙂

    Hope you will have a great stay back home. I am always looking forward to your great posts!

  5. Thanks for your ideas to oral English.I learnt something from your article.Speaking English frequently is necessary in working.And It’s helpful for getting a better job.I always hope that I can speak English frequently.But it’s a pity,my oral English is poor. I am in Shanghai.

  6. Jango,

    I am glad that you found this entry helpful.

    I am thinking of writing some more on this topic, so stay tuned…

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