Category: Technology

  • Problem: Fedora Core 2 as Virtual PC on Windows

    Today I tried to install Linux as a guest OS on Windows Virtual PC. I got Fedora Core 2 late last year during a training. So that is what I tried. I picked “Other” OS and created a new virtual disk. Installation started and I picked Graphic mode installation. The Anaconda hardware probing processing started. […]

  • Find out date and time of the last database restore

    Sometimes you may have the need to find out the date and time a particular database was last restored. Here is a simple way to do it. It should work in both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005: use msdb select max(restore_date) from restorehistory where destination_database_name = ‘MyDatabaseName’

  • Set sqlcmd initialization file

    By now you probably can tell that I am a big fan of sqlcmd;) Here is one more nugget on sqlcmd that I can throw at you: You can set a variable so that sqlcmd would run a query whenever you launch it from the command line interactively. For example, you can let it run […]

  • Customize Oracle sqlplus editor

    In Oracle sqlplus, if you type ed or edit at the command prompt, sqlplus will put the last command into an editor buffer for easy editing. In Windows, the default editor is Notepad. In Unix / Linux, the default editor is usually vi. I have changed the default sqlplus editor on my Windows machine to […]

  • sqlcmd presentation at next Chicago Sql Server User Group meeting

    I will do a talk on sqlcmd basics in the next Chicago Sql Server User group meeting. The meeting will be held at Microsoft’s downtown Chicago office on 12/06/2005 from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. More details at here. I will post scripts and slides here when I am done editing. Hope to see you there.